How it all started...
In 1925, the Lord placed a desire in the hearts of individuals to begin to pray in the home of Julius & Susie Sellenshuetter. The theme of their prayer meetings began to stir for souls in St. Charles. Soon, tent meeting services were conducted on Clay Street with Evangelist Herbert Halwe. In 1926, Theo and Maline Kunze began hosting "tarry" services in their home. That fall, a hall was rented at 300 S. Main St. and a group began to meet for worship. A.A. Wilson, Assemblies of God Superintendent, formed the church as Glad Tidings Tabernacle. Rev. A.L. Matejka was named pastor and a basement church was constructed at Sixth and Franklin streets.
Where First Assembly Church is today and where we are going all began with a single step of faith and a passion to pray for souls. What started in a basement has blossomed into an assembly of saints called to DECLARE and DISPLAY the Gospel to Everyone, Everyday, Everywhere.
Where First Assembly Church is today and where we are going all began with a single step of faith and a passion to pray for souls. What started in a basement has blossomed into an assembly of saints called to DECLARE and DISPLAY the Gospel to Everyone, Everyday, Everywhere.

Expanding the vision...
One of our values at First Assembly Church is Missions is our Mandate. We believe we are called to bring the Gospel to everyone, everyday, everywhere. We are committed to going beyond our borders through short-term mission trips and supporting 65+ missionaries around the world.
Where we are headed...
First Assembly Church is one of the fastest growing Assemblies of God churches in our region. Many new and dynamic ministries have been and continue to be created to help minister to individuals and families. But in the midst of the exciting activity, we recognize that church health is more important than numerical growth. At First Assembly Church, we recognize that God has a specific plan and purpose for each person’s life…for you! That is why one of our values is “People are our priority.” The broad scope and variety of our ministries are simply a reflection of our heart to help people like you from economic, social, and ethnic background across the St. Louis region and around the world!

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together a 9:00a and 11:00a.